View Full Version : WTB Envy & Woe

08-27-2014, 12:55 PM
Looking to buy Envy & Woe ...will pay 125 for the pair (I hope thats fair, wiki says 50 for Envy, no price for Woe..)

Wanting to get the shield for now and as I level work more on my epic..


Scrownge in game.

08-27-2014, 02:51 PM
Just a bit of friendly un-asked for advice: for us shaman, gear in general (and that shield in particular) really isn't that important. Let's say you're earning 100 xp an hour now: with the shield you'll earn 101 xp an hour, because all it's going to do is save you from a very small amount of damage ... so little damage that in a one hour session I doubt it will even be a single heal's worth. And if you're root rotting the shield probably won't help at all.

So, my advice (as a 57 shaman myself) is don't worry about gear, worry about xp. And as you level up you'll find plenty of opportunities to get gear, like when you level up to the point where you can complete this step of the epic quest yourself.

08-28-2014, 07:46 AM
Points well taken. Thank you.