View Full Version : Bard's Puretone discipline issues

12-02-2014, 04:17 AM
The bard's puretone disc has a few issues that show up depending upon when you trigger the disc in relation to casting songs.

- If you trigger the disc while "casting" a song (i.e. while the cast bar is moving, but before the song's effect has been applied), puretone's effect will not apply. The disc goes into cooldown, but nothing happens. Subsequent songs do not have the puretone song mod, nor does the combat window display the puretone disc as in effect (it just says "No Effect" as if no disc had been triggered).

- If puretone is triggered when a song is active (i.e. the cast bar has completed, and the song is continuously playing), it puts the bard into a strange state where the song appears active but really isn't. The song's effect stops; however, the character remains in the "singing" state as if the song continued playing. Consequently, you cannot use clickies (you get "you must stop singing to cast this spell!" messages when attempting to use clickies). You can leave this state by stopping songs (e.g. with "/stopsong"). Ideally, the song should not stop when triggering the disc and the next tick of the song should have the puretone modifier applied. However, I don't know if this is the classic behavior.