View Full Version : no starting weapon or note

12-10-2014, 07:15 PM
after spending all day trying and get this running im finally in game. made a woodelf warrior. problem is it started me with no weapon or a note to give to my gm. confused on what to do from here.

12-10-2014, 08:32 PM
Have you tried recreating the character?

12-10-2014, 10:07 PM
I made a dark elf and also the wood elf. both started with a completely empty inventory

12-11-2014, 01:35 AM
I haven't heard of that happening - are you sure you didn't die? When you die, you lose your items until you find your corpse and loot it. I just created a wood elf warrior and can confirm that the starting items are there like normal.

I'd say remake the character, or figure out where you died and find your corpse. Or just punch decaying skeletons until you get a weapon from one of them (but that will be slow going).

12-11-2014, 01:42 AM
Just /ooc for a rusty weap (or something better if you choose) to start out with. I'm sure there would be plenty of people in gfay that would be willing to toss you a rusty weap off of a vendor or mob

12-11-2014, 02:49 AM
I haven't heard of that happening.

12-11-2014, 03:39 AM
I'm guessing something must have killed you while you were loading into the game?

12-11-2014, 05:36 AM
I'm guessing something must have killed you while you were loading into the game?
Wood elves start close to the guards, but they are basically standing in a mob-infested region, so this would be my theory too without the dark elf complication. Of course, looking at your own feet would reveal a corpse if that were the case.

Have you checked that you have the right files? If you were missing some textures, that might be the problem; try holding the right mouse-button on the first inventory slot and seeing if it shows a tooltip.

I think you'll need to post this as a bug so that Rogean can check the database and see if there's an issue there.

12-11-2014, 02:33 PM
i remade both toons and it fixed the problem :)