View Full Version : All possible duo combinations, rated in a chart.

02-09-2015, 10:19 PM
Looking for a class to duo with? Want to let people know what the best combos are?


Find your class along the left, and match it with the class you would be duoing with along the top.

Each box has the median rating and the number of ratings submitted.

Want to change a rating? Just mouse over that box and choose a new one, it will be added.

Happy duoing!

02-09-2015, 11:05 PM
The layout of the chart is well done, maybe with some more refinement and information it can be even better.

02-10-2015, 02:34 PM
What am I looking at?

02-10-2015, 03:13 PM
It's a good idea

02-10-2015, 03:39 PM
Ok, so it looked like nobody had entered anything. I entered some stuff, but...nothing happened, and no obvious way to save or to see what anyone else did. Overall, I am disappoint.

02-10-2015, 03:46 PM
I like this, though it seems some people are using it to propagate misinformation. I think this can still be Verny useful even without breaking out specific conditions as suggested above because it accounts for all experiences. Class combinations that perform better all around will be rated higher than those with conditional advantages. It would be neat if there was a way to tag ratings with comments from those who submit the ratings that others could review and the. Evaluate of he selves whether it reflects their ambitions ^^