View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Monk epic LoIO Astral Projection incorrect spawn location?

06-21-2015, 10:22 PM

The second of the Astral Projections is in the Lake of Ill Omen, and is on a platform on the lake itself. The Platform is too high to climb onto, but SoW and Levitation can get you up there. He is identical in appearance to the other Projection.




Now head to the Lake of Ill Omen for the final fight of the monk epic. You can find Astral Projection (same form as the Overthere version) on the platform in the lake itself at +765, +860.

Am I off base here or do we have the "classic" spawn location already and those are moved in Velious? Note the Velious UI on the page, pre Luclin models and classic text name plate text.

06-21-2015, 11:11 PM
I only ever saw him on the platform in the lake on live

07-04-2015, 12:09 PM
He is supposed to be on the platform, but was moved to the shore on p99 due to falling through the geometry.
