View Full Version : Global fan base...?

11-09-2015, 05:14 AM
Eve Online has one server cluster that serves all the players (save those in China, which has its own government regulated server) from around the world. Thus there are numerous corporations (guilds) that have their own country or region of players gathered together, speaking their own languages. Now save for the red server, it appears all the players gather on one server cluster for Project 1999. I am curious if there is a world wide appeal to this server and thus there are small guilds with their own languages. Or is this server one of hundreds, if not thousands, of "private" servers that run their own versions of EverQuest.

Just curious for curiosity sake - thanks!

11-09-2015, 07:12 AM
There's other emulated servers out there but as far as I'm aware Project 1999 is the most populated in terms of players (not boxed characters etc) and among us are people from most continents - though I've never knowingly met anyone from African countries like South Africa/Botswana etc.

Over on red server is a Spanish speaking guild (dont think blue has one), and I think blue had Galactica who used to be very quiet when grouped due to whatever their languages they spoke.

11-09-2015, 09:10 AM
This game doesnt seem to have a big international playerbase it seems. there are certainly not other servers that are run at this level, but i would imagine some of the other servers have small cliques of foreigners since the game did have presence in other countries, but this is going to be the biggest you'll find. i think most foreigners play on live. i met some guys in ARK survival that were very active in EQ and they were from germany/sweden. i think you'll find groups like that peppered through the Live servers, but even they knew about p1999.