View Full Version : Troll Duo Leveling

02-07-2018, 05:30 PM
Afternoon All!

My friend and I are going to be leveling some Trolls (Shaman and DK or Warr) and wanted to know the best locations for duo exp.

Should we stay in the Swamp then Feerott or head to Freeport? If we do go to Freeport where is the closet place to sell stuff that we are not KoS?


02-07-2018, 11:38 PM
I'd suggest heading to EC so you can enjoy free buffs from players who are in the tunnel. If you kill enough orcs you can build faction with the EC vendors fairly quickly too.

You can collect DF belts off the orcs and sell them for 3-5pp each to make some money for spells or save them and then get a Druid to wolf form you so you can turn them in for XP to the FP Militia which also builds faction with them so eventually you can even walk by the gate guards to FP.

Once you get to 12-13 level, you can start leveling in Oasis off the crocs near the water shore, or do orcs in Orc alley. Just watch out for Cazel and other sand Giants!

02-07-2018, 11:38 PM
I'd do Swamp then SRO then Upper Guk or Oasis then Upper Guk.

02-08-2018, 12:48 AM
Have a classic troll experience and do swamp > sro > upper guk, after that you can adventure away from the troll Homeland

02-08-2018, 11:21 AM
Swamp is awesome from 1-9.

1-2 Kill rats and snakes outside Grobb
2-5 Kill Froglok Fishermen and Guards outsike Guk
5-9 Head to the hand (3 on the map) (https://wiki.project1999.com/Innothule_Swamp) and kill the Kobold Hunters, and higher lvl frogs. At 7/8 you can kill the swamp alligators too.
9-12 Sro orcs and wandering trash
12-18 Oasis crocs + Orcs
18-25 Upper Guk

This is the Troll/Ogre classic leveling experience! Substitute Oasis for Kurns tower in FoB if you are up for an adventure, or wish for a ZEM!

02-08-2018, 06:32 PM
Thanks for the replies all! We started in the Swamp and are nostalgia'n HARD. I think we'll have the "Classic Troll Experience" and stick to the swamps!

Thanks all!

02-09-2018, 12:01 AM
Swamp, SRO, then UGuk. If you want to sell or buy stuff with players, go to EC tunnel, but I wouldn't bother leveling around there or Oasis. So boring. A shaman/tank duo will do quite well in many places.

02-09-2018, 02:27 PM
I recommend doing the Kaglari Mana Doll quest. It's not difficult and is actually quite fun.

02-14-2018, 02:30 AM
Hah! I think I met you guys, forced you to sro and then forgot I had not looted my corpse in guk, then I LD'ied zoning into the swamp. It was at that point I realized it was 6 am and that making a ogre just to cap his strength with all your rogue gear a while my kids were getting their terror sleep just couldn't be considered reasonable and left.
Hope you get your connection in order N-something troll shaman, my connection began running alot smoother with the duxa ui, just a pointer!
Best of luck, you guys were really cool to hang out with!