View Full Version : another new player

07-24-2011, 11:42 AM
I played on Tarew Marr as Collum, Barb tank. ..Noble Lions.. and ..Veritable Quandary.. guilds

Moved to Bristlebane as Bregak, dorf zerker. ...Circle of Legends...

I quit playing on live shortly after the expansion that raised the lvl to 90. Dang mercenary NPCs and players that multi-boxed made it impossible to find anyone to group with....

I started yesterday, and dang happy I did!
Currently playing around with 3 toons: Tacan, (lvl 3) halfling druid, Kanan, (lvl 4) barb shammy, and Jonka, (lvl 5) dorf cleric.

I hope to make friends in game soon!

(still trying to get my wife to play here too!) ;)

edit... I do love to raid! (when a toon gets to the lvl)

07-24-2011, 11:54 AM

07-24-2011, 05:51 PM
/friend nolan

hit me up if you need anything

07-24-2011, 08:41 PM
Welcome to P99!

07-24-2011, 08:50 PM
Veritable Quandary...heh I was in VQ after I x-ferred over from Zek in .... '07? '08? Along with Masoud, Eeren, and a few other ex-Zekkers.

07-24-2011, 09:33 PM
Currently playing around with 3 toons: Tacan, (lvl 3) halfling druid, Kanan, (lvl 4) barb shammy, and Jonka, (lvl 5) dorf cleric.

Roll a barb if you don't care about performance, but are a roleplayer who needs to look pretty in a video game.

12 years later, we know that Ogres and Trolls make far, far, FAR superior shamans due to special abilities. Just so you know, and are still young enough to switch races if you wish.

07-25-2011, 09:23 AM
Pretty boring if all the shamans are trolls and ogres.

07-25-2011, 09:57 AM
Welcome to the family!

07-25-2011, 10:44 AM
Welcome back!

07-25-2011, 05:42 PM
Veritable Quandary...heh I was in VQ after I x-ferred over from Zek in .... '07? '08? Along with Masoud, Eeren, and a few other ex-Zekkers.

I remember the name Masoud... raiding in DPoB back then werent we?

07-25-2011, 05:49 PM
12 years later, we know that Ogres and Trolls make far, far, FAR superior shamans due to special abilities. Just so you know, and are still young enough to switch races if you wish.

Funny... I never thought much into the regin for trolls, or the stun resist/interrupt for ogres.
When playing with shammys in the past, I remember all of them being fairly competent. They learned to cope with the limitations of the race and still had a good time. Having a good time is what the game is all about, after all!:D

After 12 years of EQ, SOE never did make an ogre monk.... whats up with that?

07-26-2011, 03:20 PM
Did you delete your 8 necro?

Nytewind TP
07-26-2011, 03:23 PM
After 12 years of EQ, SOE never did make an ogre monk.... whats up with that?

I'd toss someones salad to be an Iksar Ranger... :)

07-26-2011, 03:36 PM
(still trying to get my wife to play here too!) ;)

Remember you'll need an IP Exemption (http://www.project1999.org/forums/announcement.php?f=25) if you both want to play together.

07-26-2011, 08:00 PM
Did you delete your 8 necro?

never had a necro.

07-26-2011, 08:02 PM
Remember you'll need an IP Exemption (http://www.project1999.org/forums/announcement.php?f=25) if you both want to play together.

roger that!

I still havent decided what class to play..

I have been looking for Aerokella and Nolan in game. No luck yet.

07-26-2011, 10:54 PM
Welcom to the frey, im new too but welcome anyway ;)