View Full Version : Post-70 Alchemy

08-11-2011, 10:43 AM
I'm thinking of my next steps on Alchemy, and while I'm good on what potions are salable up to a skill of 70, heading north of that is unknown territory. I think that Null Potions (+15dex +15mr -10agi) are useful, any thoughts? Then, Rejuvenation (chloroplast +10hp/tick -10str/int -10atk) would probably sell to higher level players since it stacks with other regens (price would be steep at 1k a stack tho). Then I though a DS potion ((level/2)+1 damage) would be good to sell to PLers. Greater Null (+15 agi +25 sta -20 dex) would take me to 156 then either Potion of the Frost / Swamp (gate pots, expensive at 2k/stack) or Adrenaline Tap ((Flurry quickness +atk, cheaper at 750/stack).

Any thoughts on whether these pots would be more salable than others? I hate sitting in EC trying to dump stat pots that people don't care about...


08-11-2011, 10:49 AM
I'm thinking of my next steps on Alchemy, and while I'm good on what potions are salable up to a skill of 70, heading north of that is unknown territory. I think that Null Potions (+15dex +15mr -10agi) are useful, any thoughts? Then, Rejuvenation (chloroplast +10hp/tick -10str/int -10atk) would probably sell to higher level players since it stacks with other regens (price would be steep at 1k a stack tho). Then I though a DS potion ((level/2)+1 damage) would be good to sell to PLers. Greater Null (+15 agi +25 sta -20 dex) would take me to 156 then either Potion of the Frost / Swamp (gate pots, expensive at 2k/stack) or Adrenaline Tap ((Flurry quickness +atk, cheaper at 750/stack).

Any thoughts on whether these pots would be more salable than others? I hate sitting in EC trying to dump stat pots that people don't care about...


Alchemy is a super expensive skill to level up with seemingly minimal reward in terms of profit other than SoW, Shrink, Invis, and IVU pots because people don't really know other things are out there. I remember when Rhambuk was leveling his alchemy he'd drop thousands of platinum worth of potions on the ground in EC because it was easier and less aggravating to just give them away while leveling the skill than trying to sell them. Port pots aren't as useful now that there is a level cap on Vox, but Innothule Swamp potions are still and always will be amazing for melee classes who get stuck far away and need to get back to the proximity of the tunnel.

08-11-2011, 11:13 AM
I would say it depends why you want to raise alchemy.
If it's just to make profit in EC, you are good with SoW, Shrink, Levitate, IVU

If you want to be in a raiding guild, then you are good with higher potions such as DS potions, resist potions and port potions, but most raiders have their guild shamans for that and don't buy in EC.

Regen potions and adrenaline taps are really expensive and really few people want those.

I'm also wondering how you can come to 2k a stack of frost/swamp potions considering items for each potion cost 270pp, which doesn't include failure rate

08-11-2011, 11:42 AM
I would say it depends why you want to raise alchemy.

Cuz if I do I win Everquest!! in other words, no particular reason :)

I'm also wondering how you can come to 2k a stack of frost/swamp potions considering items for each potion cost 270pp, which doesn't include failure rate

I was using numbers on an old version of eqshaman.com, so you're no doubt correct. Thanks for the clarification!


08-11-2011, 11:43 AM
If you decide to sell uncommonly made potions, a good marketing idea is to actually list their effects in your /auction message instead of requiring people to look up or ask about the effects. I began having much better success selling jewelcraft after I /auc with jewelry stats instead of merely linking the item with a price. I am always super excited to see people exercising underused tradeskill recipes though!

08-11-2011, 11:58 AM
Well, if you want to raise alchemy, I would advise you to go for magic or poison resists. You should be able to sell those though as said, I do think most people who use those are in raiding guilds. So you might want to contact raiding guilds and try to work for them rather than to auction in EC.

Once at 156 alchemy, I raised my skill through port potions because I could sell them back and didn't craft any adrenaline tap due to the short duration buff.