View Full Version : Patch Notes, October 17th, 2009

10-19-2009, 10:29 AM
Various changes to increase melee hit chance. (Nilbog, Ladoth)
Ssynthi will now drop Robe of the Keeper 100% of the time. (Nilbog)
Fixed the HP on Undead Knight in Qeynos Catacombs. (Nilbog)
Fixed Guards reaction time to creatures. (Nilbog)
Kobold caster will now appropriately drop half of a spell. (Nilbog)
Kobold caster changed to be a bit rarer. (Nilbog)
Kobolds in Toxxulia Forest will no longer drop small cloth. (Nilbog)
Merchants of South Qeynos are now on the MerchantsofQeynos faction. (Nilbog)
Serveral changes to social behaviors of mobs. (Nilbog)
Bandits, Brigands, Farmers, etc should now have varying faces. (Nilbog)
Canloe Nusback, Captain Hazran XP for DF and CB belts increased to a more live like reward. (Aeolwind)
Sheriff Roglio in Rivervale, Runnyeye Warbeads should provide better XP. (Aeolwind)
Dill Fireshine should now accept the orc runner note. (Aeolwind)
Queen Klicnik now correctly spawning hatchlings. (Aeolwind)
Paineel should now have a slight more abundance of undead rats for the initiate quest. (Aeolwind)
Sern Adolia now correctly responds to certain text. (Aeolwind)
Research is now trainable above 22 from GM Trainers. (Rogean)
Increased the drop rate on Infected Rat Liver from an_undead_rat in Paineel. (Wenai)
Fixed the reward for returning the Infected Rat Livers quest. (Wenai)