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Amelinda 03-23-2012 08:41 AM

Post your questions here

if you have real, legit questions about the server please comment in this thread with them and I will amass some questions and will try to get the answers to them for you.


I want serious. legit. respectful, honest questions to take to the devs.

Trolling the post results in forum ban.

be respectful. be kind. be serious.
================================================== =============
  1. Content Questions:
    These will have to wait for Nilbog, who is VERY busy with work IRL right now. Be patient.
  2. When will Plane of Hate / Solosek Ro be released?
  3. Will there be a timeline posted for the server updates, and estimated time of implementation(Sol Ro, Hate, Sky, Kunark, etc.)? Agree with Hijinks that this would be very useful/helpful.
  4. What does a slightly progressed timeline mean? Can you give a ballpark estimate of what month or quarter you are planning/aiming on opening kunark on red?
    (Amelinda) My own best guess for this would probably be Fall 2012.
  5. Is there any thought put into releasing content in such a way that keeps the server competitive with new releases? i.e. PoH/solro at D3 launch, etc?

    Admin Questions:
    These questions are really for Rogean. You will have to be patient.
  6. Any possibility of leaderboards?
  7. when will yellow txt be put in/Is there any possibility of it?
  8. Are population statistics kept track of privately and analyzed in any way?
  9. Did the drop in population alarm anyone on staff or was it expected from the toxic vztz community to any extent?
    (Amelinda) It didn't really alarm me at all. I honestly expected it because I knew who the bulk of our players were. Some were here only to try it instead of blue. Some were here because they wanted to play on a fresh server. Some left due to guard assist not working at first. Some left due to people griefing them off the server. There is a very small subset of people who want to play EQ with PVP enabled. I am still not alarmed.
  10. What population level would be considered unacceptably low by staff? or is it already concluded that the niche is small enough to stay laissez faire, that population will ebb and flow naturally?
  11. will Nil / Rogean think about adding something that makes a player that zone plugs stay in game for 5 min+ and come out the other side of the zone?
    (Amelinda)Rogean discussed something about this in the zone plugging thread and it was deemed he would not be doing this.
  12. Is EXP loss on pvp death a feature that is likely to stay implemented?
    (Amelinda)Not Likely. I don't see them randomly deciding to change the mechanism here.
  13. Is global /auction being considered at all (or separately from ooc)?
    (Amelinda)Well... since it's not
  14. Will Rogean ever reply/interact directly with the player feedback on the forum? (yes I know there's lots of whining and trolling)
  15. do you guys feel as if there may be something wrong with the current threat/hate/aggro system? is it on your radar at all or are you comfortable with how it works currently
  16. is mob pathing/warping/running through walls on your radar at all? some dungeons seem worse then others.

    Developer Questions
    These are questions that are best answered by Null
  17. Will the resist system continue to be customized or is there a goal to return it to a more literal classic system?
    (Null) It is likely that it will always be custom, but the general direction right now is to make it more classic than it currently is.
  18. Can experience rates be discussed?
    (Null) I think that the changes that Rogean made to the EXP curve were good. I am sort of indifferent to increasing them in the same form (easier early game, hard late game) but I am against increasing EXP gains across the board.
  19. Is there any room for discussion about the pro's and con's of the experience loss mechanic?
    Pro: Creates an upkeep for bindrushing and general haphazard play.
    Pro: Puts a potentially high cost (when combined with corpse camping) on attacking a raid force with a lesser raid force just to run out the clock.
    Pro: It's a death penalty that is not item loot.
    Pro: Promotes grouping because of safety in numbers, more so than not having a penalty.
    Pro: It's not item loot.
    Con: Unprovoked corpse camping hurts and leaves a general bad taste
    Con: Leveling generally sucks and going back over ground that you have already covered doubly sucks.
  20. has any thought been given to reducing the pvp xp loss penalty?
    (Null): I've thought about it, but its already very low, just about negligable. Takes what, 2-3 blue con mobs to get the EXP back?
  21. Will there be any type of warning prior to patches? (Not a timeline specifically).
    (Amelinda) I agree with Null that it is not likely.
    (Null)Not my department, but I can say pretty confidently that its unlikely.
  22. Will some spells be tweaked/removed (whirl for example) to encourage longer/more dynamic PVP?
    (Null)Whirl is nerfed into the ground, to the point that its impossible to land on anyone with even modest MR. In general I don't like the idea of outright removing spells from PvP.
  23. Will experience rates be reevaluated? Many feel experience is too slow for a PVP server where people are here to PVP, and have "done the grind" already on blue.
    (Null): We had an issue on VZTZ where the EXP rates where way too high, to the point that people would create throwaway accounts in a day just for the purpose of training and exploiting. Having EXP rates high is a good thing from a GM perspective because judgments have a lot more weight, and if you ban someone it hurts because the time investment in that character is measured in played days instead of played hours.

    With that said, it doesn't mean that the EXP rates wont go up. I am just trying to toss out some reasoning that I don't think ends up on many Pro/Con lists.

  24. To Null: What is the future of PvP resists? Will they stay as current, or should we expect further balance changes?
    [22:46] {Null} expect changes
    [22:46] {Null} BLAM

    GM Staff Questions

  25. do you and the dev team have any ideas or plans that may help build population, and are you able to share some of that information?
    (Amelinda) I don't honestly feel that the population is suffering that badly. I do, however, have some ideas. Mostly it involves you guys promoting the server to other communities. Some of you guys growing up and knocking off some of this troll bs. (You realize in most internet communities you have like 5 trolls and 200-500 members right? Not 100 trolls...) And We have a few events we are planning.
  26. why do people not get permanent bans for obvious and public exploiting?
    People DO get permanent bans for exploiting. But we like to give people chances. Discipline is a very organic thing. The punishment must fit the crime as well as fit the individual and their reactions. I will write more on this below. But basically punishment is never a "one size fits all" proposition.
  27. When i train why do i get extra days for telling the truth?
    We do not give extra days to individuals who tell the truth. If we catch the individual and he tells the truth and is unremoreseful then we feel justified in handing out a 7 day or 10 day suspension depending on the level of grief in the behavior. If I catch someone training who admits it and is respectful then I am a lot more willing to shave a day or so off of the punishment. In this particular case, the individual trained and was frapsed. The Fraps was an excellent fraps (19/20 frapses submitted suck and can't even be used to prove anything) The individual was suspended for 10 days for training a raid in fear so it was a partial training and partial raid interference ban. Normally I would not post this publically like this but this particular person refuses to cooperate and post in the appropriate section of the board to get his answers. He denied training until he'd been suspended like 8 days.
  28. In an effort to repopulate the server, would it be possible to pardon/parole those who have been banned for minor offenses?
    If they were banned initially for boxing back in November they would be able to petition and appeal. What Minor offenses are you referring to? I'm not letting someone back into the community who was boxing last week...
  29. How can we remove interpretive GM decisions from server? Or is there a way to get a standardized / public set of rules / rulings? Aka, all training videos etc used for a ban must be made public prior to or as of time of banning. That way we know what proof was used in each instance and are at the very least, able to know that the burden was standard in each instance.
    Standard set of rules is coming. that's answered elsewhere. As far as removing "Interpretive GM decisions" from the server......We won't be. You either trust the staff or you don't. If you honestly think we are mistreating your guild then you drank the koolaid son. You obviously don't have children and I'm sure you are basing this off of the situation I discussed a few questions above. We are working on the public set of rules but there will never be a rigid one size fits all set of offenses. You have a choice to either trust that Sirken and I watch you guys like hawks or that we accept only the finest of fraps. You always have the option to see a fraps IF YOU POST IN THE APPROPRIATE FORUM to dispute your ban. Some people refuse to do that because they feel they shouldn't have to bend to the server rules and regulations.

    GM Judgement is a very important factor. That is why we operate with such a small staff. I would rather have staff who I trust implicitly than 10 people I don't know very well or trust. I speak on the phone with Sirken EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. We talk about the server AND real life. We know each other VERY. WELL. I trust him to always be honest with me. He always comes to me if he has a fraps that he is going to suspend over. I go to him with the same things.

    With such a diverse community we will never be able to have a one-size-fits-all list of punishments. That really bothered me a year ago when I first became a guide. After being a guide who handed out strictly identical punishments at first I NOW see where it wasn't effective. There are certain guys playing on the box who will GLADLY eat a 7 day suspension just to wreck an opposing guild's raid. 10 days is just enough extra time that it may make them regret their train. There are other people who are so addicted to the box and love their character so much that a 3 day suspension makes them super sad and makes them go crazy and if they eat a 3 day suspension they will NEVER train again. This is why we get to know the community.
  30. Also, will Rogean / Nil change logging on R99 to include chat etc? So it will be easier to petition people for insta camping with IP exemptions / training.
    Not likely

  31. can we remove all IP exemptions for R99?
  32. can we get a Harrison forum ban?
    If he breaks actual rules, yes. If it's just because he's posting that people were caught exploiting - no. He and I have discussed this and he agreed to back off. Now maybe if everyone else will back off (And by the way - quit posting that he's on your ignore list. You feed the problem with that) I think things will be fine.
  33. can the rules debate be reopened? Or as mentioned, when it is reopened, will it be made public?
    Rules are not up for debate. There may be some minor discussion of rules. If you have suggestions you may PM me but we are not going to let the community come up with the ruleset bc too many people will try to meta-troll the rules into shit they can loophole and exploit.
  34. You guys ever considered making this Server classic (ooc, yt, Item loot, resist system, channeling, GM's that don't act overdrilled blue etc) and without any stupid rules ?
    Way to read the OP in which I said not to troll. Maybe I should have included "Don't ask questions in a smart ass way" ? Did you even play on Classic?
  35. When can we expect a response regarding the 'trial run' for global OOC?
    Amelinda: I have no idea. I have asked rogean twice now and am waiting for his response. Last time he said he was disinclined to implement it. He didn't say no, but he didn't say yes.
  36. Could you give us more information on the upcoming event that was mentioned in-game, and announce it on forums for those players who weren't online at the time it was announced?
    More info will be coming soon :)
  37. Could we have an update on the "red99 server rules", a draft of which was posted some weeks ago and then removed?
    This will be coming soon. Sirken & Null will be discussing this at length and discussing it with a few guild leaders to ensure everyone understands the rules as they are written then the rules will be given to Rogean, Nilbog and I for ratification.

  38. Will there be more serious forum moderation enforced on this particular board(PvP Server Chat) so that it does not become RnF #2, and is used for helpful discussion, such as the aims of this thread?
    We definitely make every effort to enforce the rules here and to protect the community. If you notice a post that needs to be deleted then please send me a private message on the forums and i'll take care of it.
  39. How many petitions do you answer per day and do you answer for both blue and red simultaneously?
    It depends on the day, honestly. I am going to go with between 50 and 75 per day or more and that counts red server, blue server and forums. I answer blue and red at the same time (Which is why i'm slow to respond at times...the bulk of mine are on the message board)

    Sirken answers almost all of the red server petitions in game. :) He is a saint!
    Ambrotos answers almost all of the blue server petitions in game. :) He is also ready for sainthood...
  40. When was the last banning sweep of cheaters/hackers, and how often (on average) is this done?
    Last banning sweep was at the end of October unless you count the periodic sweeps i'm doing with my "ghetto method" In theory it should be done 1x a month but I dunno how often rogean plans to do it....

Amelinda 03-23-2012 08:42 AM

Remember to READ the questions before asking your own. Ask your question in question format. DO NOT NUMBER YOUR QUESTIONS!

If i have to dig your question out of a paragraph like this:


I really hate the xp loss on pvp death. This is bullshit. I have to work and I have a family and when I get pvp'd then I have to re-grind and I don't think that's fair. Any idea to remove this?
I am going to skip your post and move on. The correct phrasing of that is:

"Will XP loss on death ever be removed?"

Going to unlock this post now. I expect ONLY Respectful questions and comments. Anything else and I will ban you.

Amelinda 03-23-2012 08:42 AM


Amelinda 03-23-2012 08:42 AM

Think this will do it.

Amelinda 03-23-2012 09:48 AM

Saving this for later.

Amelinda 03-23-2012 09:49 AM


Dullah 03-23-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Amelinda (Post 598107)

In an effort to repopulate the server, would it be possible to pardon/parole those who have been banned for minor offenses?

If they were banned initially for boxing back in November they would be able to petition and appeal. What Minor offenses are you referring to? I'm not letting someone back into the community who was boxing last week...

Im referring to boxing (ok in all other games/places) as opposed to major offenses which really hurt the server like hacking/3rd party programs (not ok anywhere).

You have a simple solution sitting in front of you that would help the server a ton which is the removal of IP exemptions with those players who've been caught boxing. I refuse to believe staff are serious about helping Red99 so long as they permaban accounts, resulting in a huge negative impact on the community, when they could simply prevent the problem before it becomes a serious issue. In reality, if someone is so deadset on boxing and breaking the rules, they would most likely quit with the removal of their exemption anyway.

SamwiseRed 03-23-2012 01:34 PM

Destin why lets cheaters stay? Anyway make a thread this is for questions only.

Amelinda 03-23-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dullah (Post 598300)
Im referring to boxing (ok in all other games/places) as opposed to major offenses which really hurt the server like hacking/3rd party programs (not ok anywhere).

You have a simple solution sitting in front of you that would help the server a ton which is the removal of IP exemptions with those players who've been caught boxing. I refuse to believe staff are serious about helping Red99 so long as they permaban accounts, resulting in a huge negative impact on the community, when they could simply prevent the problem before it becomes a serious issue. In reality, if someone is so deadset on boxing and breaking the rules, they would most likely quit with the removal of their exemption anyway.

You realize that people use vpns, hotspot shields, aircards etc. to box right? so removing their IP exemption won't help in most cases.

heartbrand 03-23-2012 01:50 PM

I know this is going to come off as a rant but it's meant seriously, holocaust has zero people banned for boxing. Nihilum has multiple accounts currently banned for boxing, killjoy, ozer, zyrin, fallen, bruuce, the list goes on and on. What a shock Destin, a nihilum member, is lobbying for leniency. If these people are unbanned I for one am quitting this server as it would have lost the little shred of credibility it had left.

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