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pink grapefruit 09-18-2021 10:22 PM

Culture - troll vs. ogre?
Never played as either of these ugly evil races, but the more I troll these forums the more I'm wanting to get back in game. With red basically being a single-player game, shaman seems like the class to play.

Stats don't matter, racials don't matter. How do these two races compare culturally? I know they're sorta allied with the dark elves which is neat. Trolls always seems more cruel and evil, while ogres are just goofy and like to smash things lol.

Obviously iksar are the coolest shaman but I wanna try something I've never done before in this old af game.


pink grapefruit 09-18-2021 10:34 PM

how do the cities of grobb and oggok "feel" when your characters have grown up there?

Jimbingym 09-18-2021 10:44 PM

I think ogres are the better option. Trolls were always just big smelly fat swamp dwellers. Ogres used to be not only one of the most physically strongest races, but also one of the most intelligent and magically powerful races, on par with erudites. They're dumb now because they were cursed along with the other creations of Rallos Zek for raiding the other planes and killing gods. Look up Lore of Norrath on the wiki and go to The Fall of Rallos Zek and His Children if you want to know more. You could make your ogre shaman worship Rallos Zek and RP him as being spared from the curse due to being one of Zek's chosen or something like that. Lots of potential there.

Gustoo 09-18-2021 11:01 PM

No question ogres have better actual RP potential while trolls are exactly what they are, trolls. If you wanna be a troll they’re your best bet. Ogre culture was once great and is still more peaceful and kind by comparison.

druidbob 09-18-2021 11:27 PM

Oggok always felt a bit too slapped together. Grobb, while crude, at least has a basic city layout

Baler 09-19-2021 02:46 AM

Troll is better

Don't even question it, do it.

starkind 09-19-2021 10:12 AM

Ogres are natural. More connected to norrath. There's henges in Fearrott. They have an Inn of sorts in lake Rathe. And still a tribe of them live in WK.

Trolls are basically monsters that would lurk in the shadows days waiting for prey just because that's all they do. Their a lot like xenomorphs from the aliens movie to me. Cazic and innoruuk both love playing with trolls and twisting them tormenting them so they are further crazy. They are more seafaring tho.

Baler 09-19-2021 11:16 AM

Ogres were essentially slaves to the dark elves. Dark Elves used their superior intelligence to manipulate the ogres into doing what was best for the dark elves.

A lot of people overlook this because they've been bashed in the face so many times.

starkind 09-19-2021 11:22 AM

I see ogres like a paleolithic group that was indoctrinated ya. And made to serve evil.

Sort of like if aliens landed on primitive earth and started rounding up people to subjugate everyone else.

They aren't inherently super evil.

That being said, dark elves are one of the few races that the ogres don't kill on sight, so the dark elves were willing to do what it took to earn the ogres respect, where as humans just despise and kill ogres and sight so they repay them in kind.

Trolls on the other hand have very little in the way of permanent structures and live on the ruins (giant hands) devoured and consumed of an old dead civilization.

Some join mercenary bands, and some escape. Yet most are just driven by hunger and impermanence. Trolls don't remember the past, they just consume the present.

Ogres have a past and I believe they remember. They follow dark gods because the rest of the world wants to destroy them and they are shunned by the good gods. Not because they are evil, out of necessity and survival.

Someone needs to go to bat for the trolls though, I wish they had a more developed and interesting storyline other than they are just bloodthirsty killing machines. Some of the best players I have met in game were trolls and if I had to chose one... I may chose troll because if your going to be beautiful like a troll be the most beautiful.

starkind 09-19-2021 11:27 AM

if u rollplay an ogre u could have ur ogre have like a rich oral tradition retelling the tail of how a great chieften was struck down by gods and how the ogres fought a battle with otherworldly minions saving the last of their people and were left to seek out refuge in the caves. and have some rights and traditions of passage and stuff that fit along with the stories to show your ogres prowess and worthiness to the tribe

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