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Daywolf 11-20-2016 08:35 PM

US doomsday plane
Well confirmed, that plane holding pattern over Colorado the other day was one of the US doomsday planes. Anyone get to see it first-hand? I heard what was going on while it was happening, and from the sounds of what it was doing I figured it was one of those. I see them fly over my house sometimes out of San Diego, but haven't seen them orbit in a holding pattern yet, which is bad news when they do of course.
DOOMSDAY PLANE launched in event of nuclear strike spotted in US skies
The aircraft – usually launched at the outbreak of a nuclear attack - was spotted circling by thousands of US citizens on the ground.
These were only intensified after a spokeswoman for the Naval Air Forces confirmed the plane was in fact their own E-6B Mercury, also known as the Doomsday Plane.

I also heard at the time that there was a "drill" going on. Sort of like a 1/2 inch drill bit to the head I suppose. Thanks 0bama!

Meanwhile massive NATO troop movement going on this moment to the Russian border of Eastern Europe. Part of which is a 4000 strong "drill" about to happen in Lithuania. If you recall, I've also mentioned that Germany will be deploying a huge amount of tanks there soon. NATO is certainly not happy atm as Trump is about to take POTUS. As they have it at this point, they still have 400000 troops on alert and ready to something. But on the move they are, been seeing reports on it, pics, vids etc.

Meanwhile, Russia just unveiled the "Demon". While the 'Satan II' is said to be powerful enough to destroy france in one single mushroom cloud, the Demon is suppose to be even bigger. NATO's idea of a conventional war is dumb, that's not what's going to happen if they breach those borders.

Anyway, as NBC reports 'ooooh this is normal'. Yeah, we are just born yesterday and this has been normal with the E-6B flying rings around us like this. Tell me you see these things dong this over your house on a regular basis. Yeah, that's what I thought, no it doesn't. And I live near a few major USAF bases, one of which operates these planes, and have never ever seen them orbiting like this, not once, and I do pay attention to the sky. Even the sounds of the sky when chilling in my house, always aware. It's also in part to listening for fire department tanker planes, as being in a very high risk burn region.

Last time I saw anything close to this level was right before our gulf war deployment. Though they weren't doing nuke related stuff like they are doing now.

Doors 11-20-2016 08:37 PM

So the Hillary TV commercials about the nuclear apocalypse came true?

Pumpedup 11-20-2016 08:39 PM

maybe they just wanted to do a j and go for a cruise in an awesome plane

why do people panic about nothing?

Angushjalmur 11-20-2016 09:15 PM

I was wondering what that plane was about. blow it's tires to brobama has to endure the nuclear holocaust he causes

Daywolf 11-20-2016 09:24 PM

TV commercials? I have no idea, I watch absolutely 0 TV.

Why do people panic about nothing?
Why do people stick their heads in the sand, know nothing about what's actually going on in the world, and when exposed to a tiny sliver of it - think in extremes and stick their heads back into the sand.

Hell, that's how they get away with it, they count on you to fall in line to their conditioned responses. Because if enough people start to realize what's happening, and start to rise up and do something about it, well that's how people like Trump get elected. Still a couple months to go though.

Anyway, I'm just presenting the facts, along with some well known tactics (e.g NATO is dumb etc), I'm not your daycare worker to hug you and make you to stop tearing up and pay attention.

Korrupt 11-20-2016 09:31 PM

mental issues

Baler 11-20-2016 09:31 PM

Careful Daywolf people may show up at your door and we will never hear from you again. :(

Korrupt 11-20-2016 09:50 PM

Yeah ok

Daywolf 11-20-2016 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Korrupt (Post 2406302)
mental issues

You know, they could prolly get you some meds for that. Then you could be free again, rejoin the world, speak in complete sentences and everything!
Good Luck with it.. brave young retard. Salute!

Korrupt 11-20-2016 10:09 PM

aka u


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