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Old 08-08-2013, 01:13 AM
abacab-godking2 abacab-godking2 is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1

I have been looking up the most effective way to shoot yourself in the head lately. I come across lots of stories of people living through a bullet to the brain. Most of them seem to be 22 caliber bullets though. I suppose that isn't a very powerful caliber, I'm not educated in terms of guns and ammo though.

So the temple shot is a little sketchy for the possible impulse to flinch and just end up blowing half your face off and your eyeballs out. And sometimes through the mouth isn't exactly a surefire way of going about it either depending on the angle.

From what I can research the goal is to hit the actual brain stem which is where consciousness, heart, and breathing 'stem' from. I believe that is the base of the skull from what I can tell.

A passage suggests putting the barrel end against the back of your mouth while clinching down with your teeth will directly point it at the brain stem at a slight upward angle that will just instantly turn the lights out. Basically the point where executions are generally aimed for and the area swat members are trained to shoot in order to prevent last minute twitching of the suspect to actually get their shot off.

Just a little scary that there are stories of people surviving a shotgun through the mouth. Although probably just rumors and nonsense considering the power of a shotgun.

I am hoping a 357 hollow point anywhere to the skull will be sufficient enough. Now i'm considering through the mouth at this point trying to aim at that brain stem as opposed as through the temple. I figured the temple would have been best as one grows up to understand it is very sensitive area of the brain, maybe that is wrong though considering most of the frontal portion of the brain is for thinking as opposed to bodily function.

I'm sure the blood loss would end me in a timely fashion anyway. Doubt the strength of a magnum caliber would cause minimal blood loss only to be saved by paramedics hours later some how regardless to the area of the head.

I am glad that one of you received the help you needed through pills and professional help. Regardless of the abnormal condition of your brain, at least you had family and a place to stay with food to eat even if you didn't get your pills. Just like I said before, pills and professional help won't put a roof over my head and food on the table.

With that mentality, all we would really need to do is feed the homeless pills and they wouldn't be homeless anymore.