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Old 08-18-2010, 06:54 AM
Itchybottom Itchybottom is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 391

High-elves (Koada`Dal) came from Takish-Hiz (in Tunaria) and are descendants of the original elf race. King Tearis Thex according to game lore was born there before the down fall of Takish-Haz (that's some high-elf guy that rules Felwithe), and saw it happen as a child. They should be tan as hell, considering Solusek Ro broiled them, and they had to travel a vast desert. Maybe they have a skin condition like the late Michael Jackson.

Wood-elves (Feir`Dal) were created by Tunare, from an oak leaf that fell to the ground. No relation, other than they share Greater Faydark. The tan must be nutrient burn, someone dumped a little too much Miracle Grow around.