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Old 01-02-2014, 11:04 PM
YendorLootmonkey YendorLootmonkey is offline
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Allow me to remind you of your said "competition" and why we refuse to participate in it:

Originally Posted by Rogean [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Raid Scene
It continues to be an aggravating realization among CSR staff that 10% of the server population causes 90% of the problems. We are all for competition, but it needs to be fair competition. We are also all here for the same thing, to experience classic Everquest. The same guild monopolizing raid content for 2 years that they might not even need anymore is ridiculous, just to block other guilds from the chance of gearing up to take on the same end game content.

I was thinking to myself the other day and I came to ask myself.. Are we providing this server to give people the arena to compete to such bitter extremes that it has resorted to taking every absolute measure to be victorious, or are we here to provide a classic Everquest experience for everyone to enjoy?

A lot of you make fun of it in your own terms, but it really does come down to fighting over very old content.

Either way, we're tired of the constant bickering, the training, the ninja looting, and all the other bullshit that's going on.
TMO/FE/IB can now have all the cut-throat competition amongst each other that they've always wanted. Or is that not sounding good anymore?
Another witty, informative, and/or retarded post by:

"You know you done fucked up when Yendor gives you raid commentary." - Tiggles