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Old 01-26-2014, 02:13 PM
Ceythos Ceythos is offline
Pantheon Developer

Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Treefall [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Skill Chains and Sympathetics

Skill chains are a series of super abilities executed in a particular order. These abilities are executed by multiple players. When a skill chain is completed an additional effect fires, this effect is called a sympathetic ability. There is only a certain window of time between each ability activation that the next qualifying one can be. If the player has discovered the chain their ability will light up if they have a qualifying ability letting them know they need to fire that ability next in order to take the chain to the next level.

Chain discovery occurs through experimentation. In order to discover they must try different combinations until they successfully complete the chain. When a chain is initially discovered it is entered into the tome of war. Only through practice can the player unlock the chain, fully gaining its biggest benefit.

What I hated most from EverQuest 2 is making its way into Pantheon. FML.
I'm glad you brought up Eq2 in this example. We've already discussed that as a team as one of our concerns, we don't want it to take on that implementation in Pantheon. If I had to cite an example though, FFXI's skillchain system would be a better one for what we want to do.