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Old 03-04-2014, 03:46 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Originally Posted by Byrjun [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Stuff like pathing and aggro radii has been brought up in other threads.
Pathing is being completed. Hopefully a new file will go in later today.
Aggro radius across kael has been changed. It will go live with next update.

  • Quote:
    AC - Mob AC seems pretty ridiculous. Some of our players were noticing approximately a 33% decrease to their max hit. Melee DPS is just very low across the board - how accurate is this to live?
Giant AC was always high. I will look into it.

HP - Mob HP seems to be all over the place. For example, the trash around arena like the Lieutenants and such have a lot of HP and they take a long time to kill with a single group. But most named giants, for example Kallis Stormcaller or Vkjor have very low HP. Vkjor is an especially good example, he seems to have about a third of the HP as the rest of the trash around arena.
DPS - Here's where I'm just going by "feel" and could be incorrect, but it also feels like the mobs don't do enough DPS. As a solo shaman, I never feel like I'm in danger around the arena. Mobs don't hit very hard, and they also miss and hit for low amounts very often.
Being investigated.

Originally Posted by Buriedpast [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Cant bind at bank? I am sure casters could. Correct me if wrong.
Can only bind at Kael entrances (EW and WL). This was a change made later in Velious, but for simplicity sake, we will be launching with it as we have no system to dynamically change it.