Thread: Boxing Rules
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Old 09-05-2010, 09:13 PM
jawtoe jawtoe is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 14

I realize this is an old thread now, but I took a long break from p1999 and am thinking of returning and wanted to see if the policy on boxing had changed in the time I was gone. Personally, the MAIN reason I'd ever want to log into two accounts at the same time would be to transfer items. I think that making the shared bank work here would be a good thing in this regard. Not everything about eq classic is replicable (what about all the cool old bugs, like how pet weapons used to change the delay of pet attacks, but not their dmg? that was fun for the little while that it happened, but it never happened here) so maybe some "improvements" could be made, that don't really detract from the overall experience.