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Old 03-16-2014, 11:26 AM
Robdukes Robdukes is offline

Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 80

My longtime G/F built and ran the largest guild on the Anetheron server on WoW for a few years. She knew her shit and was good at WoW.

I tried to get her to play EQ. She just can't get into it.

Her strengths lie in her communication abilities. Making friends, recruiting guildmates, logging on all the time, and helping people get what they wanted or get better at the game. She was good at playing her WoW toons and would often score the highest points in PVP battles. But she's 5 years younger than me. So she doesn't have that same feeling for EQ that I have. When I was 16 and amazed at being able to play a 3D D&D style game, she was still a kid and didn't even know what D&D was. It's a generational gap, the tabletop RPGs and classic NES SNES etc RPGs were mine and alot of others who play p99's generation. The ones who came after us skipped all of that. And now if the graffix aren't wow level or better they won't mess with it for the most part.