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Old 04-09-2014, 03:15 PM
cries4hardcore cries4hardcore is offline

Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 127

I kind of had this problem when I was a kid back on live, but even ten I eventually settled into my main and progressed. I have to agree with the poster before me, it doesn't really sound like you are enjoying the game that much.
If you like your bard, then play him. Fuck whoever tries to discourage you. And ignore our self discouragement. I mean, getting to level 18 will take you what? A day? And that's just solo kiting. The class is good in groups, which for me is the reason I play this game. You are barely scraping the surface of content because you keep basically repeating the nooby zones. Get on the bard and move on.
Also, you won't need your epic to enjoy the game and get groups in later levels. Having said that, if you decide you want to dedicate the time in the future to join a hardcore raiding guild, I'm sure they will help you get said epic. But that is quite a ways away. This game has so much more to offer than just end game content. If you focus too much on that you will not enjoy all the other content Norrath has to offer when it is level appropriate. Quit focusing on the destination and enjoy the path that takes you there.