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Old 04-16-2014, 05:07 AM
T7g T7g is offline

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 69
Default So... there are many things I have to amit,

It all started when I joined the server- Alarti was here, Grimskull was here, Eashan was here, (then and now.)

So I did my thing, cheated when I could get away with it ( always )

Shit went down here and there, but if there is any one thing I could possibly tell you.

It's that Sirken is a former TMO, he's actually good friends with Alarti and Knixx.

So basically, you are being played.

It's not even just that, hay Rogean- how are things with "Candy" going?

And to think, I thought I was as pathetic.

By the way, there is an undetectable cheating program floating around TMO.

Essentially it utilizes DrWATSON.EXE so you can read memloc/offset without any suspicion.