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Old 05-25-2014, 01:35 PM
Ambrotos Ambrotos is offline
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Originally Posted by HeallunRumblebelly [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No, Bisch. Playing in the raiding scene and being a gm/guide is a possible conflict of interest.
Dealing with raid conflicts as a member of a said guild could always lead to a conflict. Why do you think I quit playing on this server back in Feb 2012? I was asked to handle raid issues from Amelinda oh wait, she had a active toon in tmo at the time yet you don't even mention her and the stuff she pulled, and so I quit playing. If you want to accuse people don't just stop with me, lay it all out then.

Why do you think my former guild died after I started dealing with raid issues? It sure wasn't because I was favoring them. So stop deluding yourself.