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Old 06-27-2014, 02:42 PM
Tecmos Deception Tecmos Deception is offline
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Site you're looking at sounds like it probably has issues, Nirg. Cleric pet has more than 20 hp. Screaming terror has never behaved exactly like enchanter or bard mezzes. Someone randomly commenting that mezzes are breaking early, especially in the context of a short-duration mez like mesmerize or screaming terror, might just not have known about server-side ticks.

Saying that your 60 wiz never had a root break early on here means you were fighting a level 45 mob, just 1 level away from green. Before this patch, a level 50 would break on its own without damage without an MR debuff; you would also get initial resists. Start trying to root 52s or 53s as a 60 without tash AND malo and it will hardly hold for a few ticks if you're lucky and will have a lot of up-front resists ... about what a level 30 would experience if he were trying to root an un-debuffed mob that's level 26.

Aren't you supposed to be a champion of classic and research, not one of these "I THINK I MAYBE REMEMBER A MINOR DETAIL OF A GAME I PLAYED 15 YEARS AGO SO CHANGE IT PLOX!" people? The former probably wouldn't be mucking up a thread about admittedly unintentional changes and greens resisting lifetaps with off-topic and mostly-unsubstantiated claims.
Last edited by Tecmos Deception; 06-27-2014 at 02:47 PM..