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Old 10-27-2009, 06:50 PM
girth girth is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Texas, Y'all
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Fun for a select minority that includes loot from some of the highest level content in the game currently after advertising how hard and classic this is supposed to be is not really something most people want to just ignore and let slide.

I don't care about Rubicite, thats a low-mid level dungeon. But there is no way in hell loot from Lguk or Solb should be dropping from a GM event this early into the server.

The fact that somebody came on here and said he deleted some of the loot he got cause it was too powerful this early should be some kind of indication, this was stupid.
Girth Matters (Retired)
50 Ogre Shadow Knight

Mugatoo <Center For Ants>
45 Iksar Monk

"You can all go to hell, I'm going to Texas."