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Old 10-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Smashed Smashed is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 64

Obviously the items weren't that powerful, theres only a handful of items in classic eq where you actually can notice a power increase. The items aren't what the problem is (especially with ac being broken anyhow). The problem is it brings to doubt how future events will be handled. What might drop in them? Who will these events be aimed at? I don't want to blow things out of proportion, but I am still in the "getting to know you" phase with both this server and emulated servers as a whole. I would gladly pay 20-30 bucks a month for sony to run a classic server such as this, but I would expect the same professionalism. There are minor things that I am still getting used to, such as the fact that GMs argue with people in ooc. However, things like loot distribution from GM events is slightly more concerning. If players such as myself are investing time (and money once I am assured of its stability), then I need to know where the line is going to be drawn on a few issues.

That said, I am satisfied with the response from nilbog. Would love some elaboration however.

One additional like this in Everquest tended to happen after expansions had been out for a long time and people were growing bored. The loot would often be near to or equal to some of the best single groupable loots in the game. I always tended to view this as them wanting to have a "catch up" event to get some of the slow people geared up before the next expansion came out and made it all obsolete anyway. We don't have the luxury of that many expansions.

Not a complaint, but just thought I would point that out. Also thought I would point out that not every (and in fact very few) events even handed out gear, much less top shelf single group gear. Nothing wrong with aiming the next event a little lower. Before AA's, having a lot of alts was how people stopped from becoming bored out of their mind with the game. Or God forbid, an actual new person to the server might show up, have the time of their life, and be hooked.