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Old 10-20-2014, 12:10 AM
Giustin Giustin is offline

Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 36
Default <Infernus> - Aussie, Kiwi, SEAsia, GMT+10


Doing more with less

<Infernus> was formed by a couple of Aussies to fill a gap that existed for a guild in our timezone.

Our off-peak playtime means that we are a small, tight crew that are focused on how far we can progress in EverQuest relying on skill and tactics, rather than large numbers. If you are scared of the CR's that come from trying a different way from the usual, we are probably not the guild for you.

Currently we have a good regular crew that include all the needed classes and are raiding targets like Plane of Hate, Plane of Fear and working on Epic fights for all classes. We also have a good group of newer players with low level characters enjoying the experience of leveling up to join the main guild groups.

We group just about every night from 6pm till late AEST .. with extra playtime and raids over weekends.

You don't have to be an Aussie to join us .. you just need to play in our timezone (GMT +10), and enjoy (re)playing the greatest MMORPG ever created .. warts and all!

If this sounds like you, join us in our adventures!

Please go to our forum at
Register with your in-game name, make a post and say G'day


Catch us ingame

/tell Giustin
/tell Shigouragu
/tell Greer
/tell Mythrelle

"To me a guild is not about being uber, having ultra-gear or doing big-ticket raids everyday. I think it's about having a bunch of mates who you enjoy spending time with on a daily basis whether that time be sitting there duoing with them killing green mobs to help them to the next stage of their epic, sitting in an xp-camp, or bravely discovering whether it's safe to pull 3 white-cons with no crowd control. I reckon if you run a guild like that, you don't have loot arguments or bickering because you're genuinely happy to see your friend get better equipped. "
Giustin The Cleric
Guild Leader
Where the Aussies Hangout
Last edited by Giustin; 01-12-2015 at 06:13 AM..