Thread: Paladin vs SK
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Old 11-05-2014, 02:14 PM
Chrysus Chrysus is offline

Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 158

Originally Posted by kaev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Neither knight is bad, both knight classes are good. I will agree with "monks being overpowered", but the only pieces of shit I see are the trolls from red they allow to run free shitting up threads here with unchecked abandon.
You could easily argue that every class is "good", especially if you adjust all the metrics to their strengths. However in overall effectiveness and usefulness across the entire game (solo'ing, grouping, raiding, farming, pulling, tanking, xp penalties, etc.) it's quite easy to argue paladins the weakest class overall, to which I'd agree.

That said, the only thing I really dislike about the class is they get absolutely screwed on sky loot. 3 swords, 2 of which suck, none of which you'll use over your epic, and the weakest haste belt. So essentially they get 1 sky item. Compare it with any other class (including SKs) and it's as if they entirely forgot the class when they designed sky then just tacked the quests after.

/Duo'd with a paladiin 1-60, doubtful any other class combination would have been a better balance of effectiveness and fun, in part because it was so unusual in the p99 min/max'er world.