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Old 12-23-2014, 02:56 PM
maahes maahes is offline

Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: MN
Posts: 358

Originally Posted by Velerin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
EQ pvp has always been more about zone control than trying to steal loot. Even on Rallos with item loot most competent people bagged their decent gear or wore no drop stuff. Never understood why people liked item loot in eq pvp other than just for Rallos nostalgia. There's a reason when people from VZ and TZ had a choice they were all going to move to the non item loot server so they just made both servers non item loot. Items in eq were meant to be hard to acquire, not just vendor, random drop stuff. All I remember from my time trying Rallos before I moved to VZ was naked people running around. Most pvp fights were just a wizard ganker nuking a guy standing still trying desperately to bag all his gear before the kill shot.
This is exactly why I asked the question. I didn't know how anyone would have fun if the PvP in EQ was hard core rules. Yeah everyone would be naked and wizards would rule the lands.

Oh another question I had that I forgot to ask in the OP. I assume all /who commands are disabled on RED correct? I was thinking how odd PvP would be if you would tell who was in what zones... LOL. One scenario I did come up with that makes PvP great is raiding. Guild 1 is in zone setting up to kill a dwagon, Guild 2 comes into zone to find Guild 1 just about to engage. Guild 1 would have to have scouts at all zone enterences or Guild 2 could attack or train right before or durning mob is engaged. This could really lead to some epic guild battles. Anyone have some epic stories like this to share?