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Old 11-24-2010, 02:19 PM
poncho poncho is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by Dach [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Now it's my understanding that Karana was unique among all other servers in that it had a rotation amongst the guilds for all the major targets. This rotation was completely player created and player enforced, and it was beautiful.

My old guild, The Stormbringers, was allied with several other guilds, The Asheborne Alliance, and there were many other alliances, but the really cool part was that there was an alliance of the alliances called the Karana Council of Guilds.

All the major targets, gods and dragons etc, were shared equally among the alliances who agreed to wait their turn in the rotation. The council kept the schedule and everyone abided by it and worked together to enforce it.

Now upstart guilds would from time to time spring up and thumb their nose at the rotation and tell us "You can't tell us what to do" and they were right, we couldn't, but what we could do was blacklist them, and blacklist them we did.

No one would group with them, or buy or trade with them, or even talk to them. They would act all tough and mock us etc. but you know what?


The pressure would inevitably get to them and they would cave and either take part in the rotation or just give up and go away.

A rotation is the civilized thing to do and it just may be in the works.

There has been talk amongst the Guild leaders and Guild officers for awhile now about this and everyone is willing to have a rotation pretty much except for one guild who shall go unnamed for now in the hopes of perhaps they just might come around.

We have much to think about and much to discuss.

As a side note the upstart guilds were always sociopathic professional grief players and serial trainers and I am not really certain on this but I believe it was one of these groups of shitbags who left Karana when the server split and then went on to be the same group who was the target of the legendary GM who went rogue and summoned and bound these guys at the feet of a dragon putting them in an endless death loop.

Good times, good times.