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Old 11-24-2010, 02:49 PM
Virtuosos Virtuosos is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 421

A rotation is....just dumb. It defeats the entire purpose of a guild. Why try to be the best guild when, regardless of who you join, you still get to kill gods?? Competition is why raiding is fun, not this hand-holding babysitting type of playing. Go to WoW if you want to be spoon-fed targets, go to any other MMO with instanced targets... Who in their right mind would wait an entire month + for a chance at a God when they can take it down already within minutes of it popping?

IB and DA have had times when they can get 30+ people in under 5 minutes of a batphone, IB dropped draco in 35 minutes (including the breakin to fear) with a full zone pop...DA will engage a dragon within 3 minutes of a spawn...what possible reason would we have to suddenly say "alright well we are taking a 6 week break from vox to let these other guilds have a chance, but we have naggy in 3 weeks so see ya then!" when no one else has demonstrated their desire to compete for these targets for MONTHS?

It causes drama, of course. IB and DA have friction due to racing for targets and getting accidentally trained or mass-starting the DT cycle 50 times or any other numerous amounts of griefing that occur from both sides...but raids are meant to be a clusterfuck, its suppose to be an accomplishment to out-mobilze and out-race other guilds, and when you do kill that god after all the actually means something.

Rotation will never work because of this...we had one way back when Trans was still alive and one of the 3 guilds racing for a target, it worked until more people wanted to be added and all of a sudden you wouldnt see a god for a month due to these other guilds wanting a chance. I love helping people, i love being nice and joking with everyone i see...but I also love competition and i know the vast majority of players do too...this would kill it, and i might as well start my own guild up, recruit 15 people, and throw my guilds name in for rotation as well...hell, i could gear up my 15 players within 3 months i bet since i get 4 god kills a month -.-