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Old 12-10-2010, 06:01 PM
KilyenaMage KilyenaMage is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 257

Originally Posted by Taluvill [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For some of us in the big guilds, its that we know sony wont deliver. You can RMT there, among other things. You can get defiant armor, among other things. You will probably be able to create berzerkers, among other things.

The point is that they won't get it right. Unless this server has been some kind of a big secret for years and its sony's last shot at the playerbase, then its going to suck

This server isn't like live, but I'm hoping for a live population on kunark release. This is a whole hell of a lot better than anything we can expect from sony except for EQ:Next, which will still suck because they plan to have RMT in it. ( I dont mind spending my 15$ a month, but if I cant compete because I dont buy Potion X, then is bullshit.)

Best thing they could do is to hire this development team, but they wont do that either.

What's the difference how many people are on the server, when the same Guild(s) will be monopolizing all the Kunark bosses just the same?

And if you think people aren't RMTing here, then you're either mistaken or ignorant.