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Old 07-28-2015, 05:59 PM
Charlievox Charlievox is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Wisconsin. USA
Posts: 287

The game gets easier as you get more comfortable with the basic mechanics.
First, learn how to write macros and make hot keys. This will save you a lot of typing and mouse movement.
Don't attack anything that cons Red or Yellow, they will most likely kill you.
And unless you are farming for quest gear or money, don't waste your time on Green cons, they give no xp. But being a Necro, you may have to spend some time farming green skellies for bone chips to make your pets. Also, as you become more skilled as a Necro, you may find that you can even solo yellow con mobs. Necros are the king of the solo artists. (Some may say Wizards are, but they know nothing.)
Use the p99 wiki! It will help you figure out when and where to buy your new spells and use the training points you get with each new level. If you haven't already, find your class guild master and hand in your note(you DO still have the note, don't you?). That is where you spend your traing points. Just double click on the GM to open the training window.
Just remember, right click opens everything you may ever want to see inside of or read.

I could go on and on, but it's a lot more fun for you to discover things for yourself.
Good luck! Have fun and stay safe! And kiss your real life, wife, kids, dog, job, goodbye.
Everything will be alright in the end. And if everything is not alright, then it is not yet the end!