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Old 01-07-2011, 12:34 AM
Uberom Uberom is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 171

I don't have the best reputation with this community, nor do I claim to, but I also have had a few personal experiences with Richgirl. Like every post of mine, I'll just tell the shit like it is.

1. Last summer when I first started the game I was poor as shit, since I had nobody who played here previously to help me out. By the time I had made my first 1k plat I had started to gamble with him. The only game I thought was even worth it was "beat the dealer". At the time, is was /random 1 10. I was regularly winning, to the point where I had around 8k total on the server. I lost a lot too, but in the end I was up. One day he told me the game was changed, it was now /random 1 8. I lost pretty much everything.

2. I don't really care about the money, because my main is a Mage. That type of money isn't really a bother. I am just attesting to the fact that he WILL change the odds if he starts losing a lot.

3. I started my own casino for a few weeks. I actually had extensive conversations with "Richgirl", who claims to be a Vegas gambler by occupation, about casino games and odds. I worked out the numbers on his "beat the dealer" game and we both had a few laughs at times past. I wasn't really upset with him changing the odds, it was just business. His new games runs about a 11% house advantage, in case you were wondering.

4. When I started my own casino, he tried to lecture me about developing "original games". Apparently he claims to be the originator of the many "classic" Everquest casino games on live. I obliged, and having some background in statistics, did my own thing. I had four games, one of which was "beat the dealer", pretty much a replica of his version. The other 3 were pretty different, though they all have some similarities. On one of the days that he randomly logs on, he starts flaming me in tells saying stuff like "nice job copying me asshole" blah blah blah blah. It was pretty sad for a few reasons. A - I thought we were on friendly terms, considering we had lengthy discussions on gambling and statistics, something we both enjoyed. B - Most of my games were original in their probabilities and styles. C - When everything is said and done, its a fucking /random. Pure and simple. There really is nothing original about rolling a dice in EQ. The games are all copied from somewhere. He thinks his shit was original, lol, but it isn't.

After that, I put "Richgirl" on ignore. Overall, it was pretty lame. I made 5k in a week doing a casino, got extremely bored, and stopped. There is nothing "original" about casinos in EQ. The fact that this guy changes his numbers and his max bets on a whim is quite unprofessional.

I would not recommend using Richgirl for gambling purposes.