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Old 09-30-2015, 11:25 AM
Era'viss Era'viss is offline

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Posts: 113

Originally Posted by Ele [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I didn't intimate the position to not have a spell market.

Selling filler spells sucks. Mostly because people don't list prices in their /auction so there isn't much data to go by of market trends. I recently emptied out my trader's bags of a bunch of random Kunark spells for any reasonable offer since I was just going to vendor them. Didn't feel bad selling some for 50p and others for 1k after having them rot in my bags for years.
Ele, I now love you for doing this. What a bro.

Holding on to a spell and turning away people who need them because you're not getting the price you want just boggles my mind. You most likely can't even use it, and you're preventing someone who can use it from doing so. What the hell is the point to that other than being greedy?
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