Thread: Mage Epic Pet
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Old 09-30-2015, 11:53 AM
dafier dafier is offline
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Default Mage Epic Pet

Anyone with the Epic notice that it's proc (143 dd cold) doesn't land on a lot of trash in Kael? I am not talking about the 60+ trash, I am talking about the 53 - 58 lvl mobs.

Is this broken?

I am only pulling from memory, but I recall (PoP time frame) using my epic and the epic procing successfully on up to level 59ish mobs. Most the time I didn't use my epic in PoP because the 61 Air was awesome, but you still couldn't beat the dps of the epic on ~50 - 60 level mobs.

Rebbon - BDA
Happy Epic Mage