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Old 11-12-2015, 03:23 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 104

Yesterday was fun. Since it was a holiday, I figured I wouldn't have to many clients come into the shop. It seemed like a perfect day to bring in the laptop and slack off a bit in P99 ! I dinged 40 pretty early and decided it was time to head over to W/L and pick up my 44/49 spells so i wouldn't have to worry about it later.

I grabbed a port in the common lands and headed for W/L.........
Yup I got Woushi'ed !! Now the porter who took me was as surprised as I was that he had popped but apparently we were not the only two. I saw some zone comments as I was getting mauled saying "Lol here are another 2 victims"

Now if you have read previous posts in this journal you would know I have a little bit of a fear of Kael. The thought of doing the run through Kael naked was not something I was looking forward too. Since it had to be done I started looking for someone who could move our bodies away from Woushi and towards kael. Luckily Johnwilks hooked us up on that. "thanks again man I owe ya one"The wizard who ported me and I headed towards Kael and managed to snake our way through without to much trouble thank Tunare. "Maybe its just me but I seem to remember ALOT more see invis during that run"

Once we made it through to the W/L the wizard decided to just loot and scoot. So It was just me left to try and find a ress if possible. Luckily a nice Cleric came by "think her name was Natty" but she was very understanding and tossed me a ress [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] "TY AGAIN !"

Since I was already in W/L I ran over and picked up my spells. I decided that was enough silliness for 1 day and just hung out for the rest of the day.

Now before you think I was bummed out about Woushi or the naked run through Kael. I want you to know I had a smile on my face the whole time. It's days like that which bring back the true classic feel of EQ to me [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] It was fun !!!

Hopefully Tonight I will get a chance to try quads at Ulthorks again.
Till next time
Level 40 Druid of Tunare
Woushi Victim #24,1871,234