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Old 02-01-2011, 05:56 PM
nalkin nalkin is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 894
Default Happy Anniversary Gmge

1 year ago to the day* you revolutionized this server forevermore. As a mage in a world with a low server population you took AFK leveling to a whole new degree. NO not the afk leveling where one sits afk at a camp between spawns. The more scandalous AFK leveling where a pet class will park his pet near mobs that can be soloed by that pet, and will proceed to afk while the mobs continually spawn over and over and get killed by the pet.

In a fairly new server there were only unspoken rules about AFK leveling such as "it is frowned" upon, but largely the actual consequences were undetermined. As a result the player base took it into their own hands if they felt annoyed by certain afk levelers, such as training.

These were the golden years of Gmge for discussions in AFK level were still in their early stages and there was no xp penalty for letting your pet completely kill a mob. On the night a year ago from this day* Gmge was in sister island in OOT AFK leveling when he was spotted by a player who told another player (cleric). As a pair they proceeded to train Gmge over and over, who bound at the spot he was afk leveling. This happened for hours and Gmge was killed over 70 times and went from a yellow con to a green con.

Gmge quit that night, and a few weeks later the perpetrators came forward and for the most part were supported in their actions. This event forever set the stance of the server about afk leveling.

Gmge will be with us forever because mages everywhere are forced to mem their level 1 nuke to avoid a now in effect xp penalty. So everytime you cast your burst of flame remember Gmge, and give a silent salute to the days or yore.

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*I waited a complete year to post this and missed by 1 day because Kimmie is a b.

This public service message was brought to you by KaN because remembering p99's history is important if we wish to move forward as a community.

Originally Posted by Bruman View Post
Hahaha, that is awesome. Right up there with...that one guy's....boat service before the boats worked.
Last edited by nalkin; 02-01-2011 at 06:15 PM..