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Old 02-04-2011, 08:30 PM
Choka Choka is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by draogan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You know, honestly this surprises me -- because I'll bet we would see that the population of this server is significantly older than classic EQ (I played from ~13-15 or so from 2000-2002, which seems to be similar to a lot of others around here).

That said, in spite of the fact that people are older, this reminds me a lot of middle school -- people that are spiteful and abusive towards someone else for abusing a system, even though that abuse doesn't directly harm them in any way.

Honestly, the guy's AFK leveling, train him once and kill him to stop the process -- good on you. If he misses his rez timer, even better. Maybe even train him twice, if you're feeling particularly vindictive. Take screenshots, etc. And you know, had the mob stayed at his bind and just killed him over and over and you had just left, that would have been different too. Same outcome, but remarkably less douchey. The fact is, you spent an hour (or hours) of your day ruining some dude's day, intentionally, just for shits and giggles. Congratulations -- you act a lot like I did in the middle school PE locker room at 13.

Maybe the hardcore players on the server are younger -- I don't play very often, since I'm a grad student and have absolutely no free time. But I'm surprised that everyone seems to have supported this, since it was so obviously a dick move (not training him in the first place, but devoting two hours to doing it over and over).
You are in grad school and you honestly believe that AFK leveling harmed no one? Lol.

Perhaps you weren't around at the start of p1999 (this happened over a year ago) so let me school you a bit on our history.

Without a doubt the strongest dps class in any standard exp group or kiting group was magician. Some of the strongest nukes mixed with a pet that would out damage and out tank any melée. In this early era of p1999, groups would refuse to accept any melée whatsoever.

Because of this, most of the people that initially rolled melée refilled caster. It got to a point that over 20% of the level 50s were Mage.

Now let's consider that mages were able to AFK level with no penalty. This meant that mages were simply leveling up quicker and gaining access to monsters and loot that they simply should not. This didn't only fuel the Mage frenzy that was p1999 in early 2010 but it had drastic consequenses on the progression of the entire server.

The initial naggy strat on this server was warrior, a few clerics and a lot of mages with fire pets. Naggy would not have been killed nearly as early without the 8-14 fire pets immune to his aoe.

The market got deflated as well because an influx of magician farmable loot.

You may be right about any other class in the game. However AFK leveling had a massive effect on this server that still echoes to this day. It compromised the integrity of the server and affects every player who has or currently is playing on p1999.