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Old 02-02-2016, 09:06 PM
ArumTP ArumTP is offline

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Posts: 402

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Wow, this thread went downhill pretty hard.

Asgard not getting suspended along with Forsaken is fucking retarded and I'm sure if you got Pint, Legday, and Florid drunk they'd agree. But none of them are stupid enough to admit to this in public (perhaps learning from Chest's example; BDA would probably have not been suspended from Sev if I hadn't goaded him into admitting their kite).

If you drop an FTE you should have to wait until the mob resets. The raid rules clearly state that you are not allowed to stall or kite. Among other things, a fixed time does not work because its impossible to prove in the logs how long the engage was dropped for. Guilds should either wait until they have a sufficient kill force and their entire pull team in place, or chance it and concede if they fuck up. Again, I think if Lazie wasn't in spin mode he'd agree to this.

What we need is public raid petitions. I know I would have so much fun lawyering, and I'm sure Unbrella would too. I pushed hard for us to publish our KT fraps in the Raid Discussion forum but I was, as usual, ignored. I think it would save a lot of GM time, and especially after some precedents were worked out things would run much more smoothly.

Euth, you seemed so much more chill when you were in The A-Team. But hey, it's fun to blow off steam in RNF sometimes!
Asgard/forsaken dosen't use and drop their partner like rampage does to taken to dodge raid rules. Dagarn wasn't attempted during the 4 week period when forsaken was suspened, what makes you think anything different will happen? However when a taken mage tracker got FTE on yelinak resulting in concession , nope suddenly for 1 mob rampage/taken aren't working together.

And you want to fucking talk about stalling. What the fuck was CT all about then? Rampage/Taken throwing rezed bodies at CT hoping to kill him? As we all sat there and watched this mess as he crept from 12% to 31% health when you finally wiped.
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