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Old 02-22-2016, 09:38 AM
Rayzor84 Rayzor84 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 287

Originally Posted by Jauna [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The Hole.
Long and/or costly corpse runs
Enemies everywhere
Removal of the safety net of a point of no return without an evac and the feeling of a required druid or wizard when druids cant heal as well as clerics or nuke as well as wizards and wizards needing to sit on their butt 90% of the time
One runner/too many snare resists can be the end of it all
The hole is an awesome test of dungeon crawl ability as a chanter though. I lulled and finesse my way solo all the way down to the mushroom house for my chanter epic turn in mob. I almost made it but a named elemental came around the corner from the docks area and resisted my lull. The whole crawl was harrowing and alot of fun. I had to charm mobs to take out rock golems (sometimes sacrificing my pet and charming a second to find is the job).