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Old 02-15-2011, 10:56 PM
gambler33 gambler33 is offline

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 33
Default Flippy Darkpaw Report

I am a season player who started EQ on march 24,1999. I played consistently until 2004. At this point I quit because I felt Sony ruined EQ. I made a futile attempt to go back last spring and play on the 51/50 server and my favorite thing about it was the classic missions that they offered. Discussed with Mercs and the poor development of the game I quit again.
Since then I had found project 1999 and I have to say, for me, it a very classic experience. Sony, in their infinite wisdom, decided to come out with a progression server that will start with the original three continents then they will unlock an xpack every 90 or 60 days.
I felt it was necessary to share some of my feelings about Sony s attempt to recreate the past. I recommend this: if u play project 1999 and enjoy it do not waste your time logging into this progression server. I played it for 9 minutes. I rolled a necromancer, got my newbie robe and found my way outside. This is in no way a classic representation of the way everquest was. I felt distinguished with Sony s pitiful attempt as it was indeed very weak. They have server wide channel in which I announced " this don't feel like classic". Some clown answered " this is as close as Sony could get it ". During this process I had already started to camp. It has their crappy new graphics, stupid remolded zones and they don't even had the old death penalty. Just put it this way, Sony sucks and they are a poor gaming company. I have a hard time giving these idiots any money after they ruined eq and then tried to rip it off. So, everyone don't waste your time with this weak ass version that is not classic but a bunch of idiots trying to get you re-sub so they can make money.