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Old 04-22-2016, 07:33 PM
Subidoo Subidoo is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Arizona
Posts: 225

Back when I was 17, my friends decided to drag me go a party that was outdoors cause I was a gamer and never went outside. The biggest reason was because a girl that I really really liked was going to be there, well after a short while it took to gather the courage to go, I ended up there. She was at the bonfire and I could see her and I drank enough to get the courage to talk to her, nowhich after a few minutes her friend walks up with a blunt and starts lighting it up,as it went around then finally came to me (I have never smoked before :/ ) I took a hefty hit and couldn't stop coughing. Everyone laughed, I laughed, after about 10 min I got wayyyyyyyyy high. I ran up the mountain into the dark and jumped behind a bush, I thought she would follow and I would jump and somewhat scare her (say it work in a movie) well My friend came instead, when I jumped out and scared him he started to fall backwards well I grab his hand and he pulled me. We both fell down the mountain, well he ended up on top of me and I on the bottom. I hit my head so I didn't even think to get up quick, well everyone started laughing. I thought it was because he fell on me, nope apparently during the fall my pants ripped and that night I was wearing Garfield boxers. Yup, I didn't hear the end of that for the sooooooo many years. Was tough being a nerd back then.

Just started playing p99, love it! Lvl 9 shaman, named Shamanana 😊