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Old 05-26-2016, 02:06 AM
syztem syztem is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 964

Yeah let me go steal a mana robe when i have 601k plat in the bank, P much what one of the officers said summedit up entirely. from that trak raid I wasn't online til I moved to dain raid and then got sick and wasn't even on for dain raid until last nights raid.

Simple fact is yawl got riled up because I clicked a AoN after a golem died, Mirkuls roid rage kicked in, he got his pals to start attacking me thinking i ninja looted an aon. ezpz, I knew they never liked me to begin with, how could they? I left friends, joined empire, they raided lodizal for 5 months while I got primal, almost full velious loot. Mirkuls stays salty, Brobb too. I didn't let it effect my raiding or playing, helped both of them out.

Glad I could not only split pull multiple generals this morning to gear up the new rogue army today, then again, be main dps on everything else the day to day stuff when no one logs in except for Sharknado who makes shit happen.

Tune too frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to run a guild when he needs way less responsibility hes going to explode even more so just give it time. Wouldn't be surprised if the top 3 dkp blew their shit on 3 BiS items each then tempest crumbled within a few weeks. Tune is basically carrying nightly "non dkp raids" that turn into jibeknn style dkp for hate raids, trakanon etc.

All the members who don't know the internal dkp bullshit fest going on? imagine if they knew about that, how safe would they feel about hording their dkp thinking they are going to get vulak loot? The people who are going negative dkp, and getting 5-6 items in a week from ntov are the ones winning.