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Old 05-31-2016, 01:51 PM
easy_lee easy_lee is offline

Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 261
Default Beating a Dead Horse

There will never be resets on project 1999, so the developers have said. Though the expansions did not follow the original timeline (Kunark lasted several years, as opposed to less than one), we have nonetheless had one single continuity. It's unfortunate that periodic server resets, which will never happen, are the only thing which would cause significant change.

Do not mistake this post as another call for resets. I'm merely pointing out facts. EQ is a game built around progression. But due to the age of the server, that progression has run dry.

Here are the effects of the server never having resets:
  • Stagnant endgame where those here the longest have all the gear they want and mostly control spawns.
  • Significant twinking in lower levels. Over half of all new characters start the game with gear intended for 50+.
  • Reduced or nonexistent PvP at low levels. Much of the population only logs on for raids, as they are no longer leveling or in need of preraid gear.
  • Nihilistic attitude towards the game, since every achievement has already been done by someone else.
  • Reduced difficulty, due to twinking and bored endgame players.
  • Reduced variability of play due to omnipresent twinks, reduced difficulty, and fewer leveling players.
  • Reduced social aspect, due to reduced difficulty, fewer leveling players, and many players only logging on for raids.
  • Less contestation of dungeons, camps, and so on due to fewer people needing them.
  • Less non endgame PvP due to less need to contest nonraid mobs.
  • Less endgame PvP due to established zergs, inevitable barriers to PvP which take time to develop but never go away on their own.
  • When low level PvP occurs, twinks and/or higher level players/buffs are almost always involved.
  • New players frequently quit due to the long, lonely, and tedious leveling and gearing process, all just to join a fixed, unchangeable endgame. Note that the leveling process is only lonely and tedious due to everyone else having already finished.
Teams, rules changes, I've come to see that these sorts of things won't lead to significant change. The only thing that would revitalize the server, periodic resets, is never going to happen.