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Old 07-05-2016, 10:19 AM
maerilith maerilith is offline

Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Uranus
Posts: 1,709

I think, seeing like 1 or 2 LGBT flags only during the LGBT appreciation month only in the clubs that serve LGBT people vs the 200,000 rebel flags and Jesus Saves signs (everywhere all over) is indicative of the pride issues people have with themselves and their faiths.

My idea for a billboard.. imagine this...

Does it matter if its a boy or a girl? Picture of a cute baby. Nothing more said.

Could be for anti-abortion causes am-i-right?

I might also be a bit bootyhurt because you know, there are actual problems in the south that need to be addressed, rather than shoving king james bible verses into discriminatory laws that support one biblical religion over all others. U know.
Last edited by maerilith; 07-05-2016 at 10:22 AM..