Thread: Raid windows
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Old 07-26-2016, 03:00 PM
Axlrose Axlrose is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 261

Originally Posted by JurisDictum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How in the hell is that going to amount to you getting a dragon?
In my gaming world, slaying a dragon would be an exception, not the norm like here in Project 1999.

Which leads me into one of my annoyances with Live as it added expansions. As players, we were supposed to be some mere mortal with gifts. Enough experience and we attempt to slaughter mythical beasts (dragons). Then we gained more power and went to kick some god and goddess ass without question, without a disruption of power on the mortal planes. But then we went beyond immortal beings and knocked the teeth out of some demi-god vampire. Afterwards we went out to take out gobble-de-**** named mobs that were not worshiped but apparently were much more powerful than our initial gods and goddesses?

Perhaps I played too much second (and a touch of third) edition of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons where entering the immortal planes was an undertaking unto itself. And then to confront an immortal that could with a mere thought, practically destroy you...?

Just my thoughts.