Thread: NPC Spawn Issue: 2 Griffons in WC traveled as a pair
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Old 11-08-2016, 02:32 AM
Brontus Brontus is offline

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Originally Posted by Kender [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
they don't look into things. you need to post proper evidence then if it's verified they can make the change

memory isn't evidence. screenshots or multiple forum/comments entries that are timeline appropriate is better
I disagree. My recollection is in fact evidence and I will sign an affidavit upon request to substantiate my claim. To clarify, I testify that I personally witnessed on many occasions on The Nameless sever, Veeshan server and Xev server that I saw two griffons on a patrol route travelling at the same speed side by side in the West Commonlands.

Sworn testimony is considered evidence. From Wikipedia:
In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimony may be oral or written, and it is usually made by oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury.
My credentials, credibility and experience in EverQuest on the live servers is impeccable and I can furnish them to the P1999 dev responsible for fixing this bug via PM upon request.

Also, it is my hope that my post will refresh the memory of others who remember the two griffons traveling side by side as well.
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