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Old 11-21-2016, 04:33 PM
big_ole_jpn big_ole_jpn is offline

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Originally Posted by maskedmelon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So, I made it up through episode 9 of season 6. One more epi and I caught up I guess. I have to say, I am super pleased with the developments this season. So much good stuff! About fucking time right? Anyway, I am happy with the developments in the north and am actually somewhat conflicted about the high sparrow. I didn't like that order at first and still don't really, but he seems to be genuinely interested in doing what is fright, he's just blind to his own delusion :c Reminds me a lot of Obama in that regard.

The mountain is still a fucking freak and I'd like to see Cersei send him in to wreck the sparrows. SO many shitheads would die ^^ I'd be so happy ^^ Kinda feel bad for thinking that though :c Glad to see Aria sort of straighten out and pretty happy with the developments in the north except for the little green people, so sad :c Always upsets me when otherwose immortal characters die or or maimed or whatever, like when that one elf captain guy died in the Two Towers :c

OH! That reminds me! The reunion! That was super sad too, well, not really sad, should have just been super happy, but still made me cry for some reason lol. I guess just because everything they had went through and stuff.

Also happier with Jora. I dunno, he was starting to seem kinda scummy, but has thoroughly redeemed himself and that other Don Juan McJackass is really turning out to be quite a dick when not around Denerys.

Don't like the developments in the iron islands either. Omgosh that guy has a shit personality and has a particular brand of ugliness (his face, gross) that I find exceptionally repulsive. I mean, there are lots of ugly people in the world, but anyone find particular styles of faces to be particularly disgusting even if they are more balanced or less grotesque than others? For example, I think Sir Gregor is better looking than this shit in the iron islands.
I read it, it made me smile ^_^