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Old 11-24-2016, 11:40 AM
maskedmelon maskedmelon is offline
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Well, I finished the last episode of season 6 last night and am happy to say that I was not left alone at the edge waiting for more as per usual >.> No, this time things wrapped up pretty nicely ^^ Of course there appears to be a LOT more to come, but I didn't feel there were really any lose ends. (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶

Very sad to see the outcome of Cersei's insanity :/ She really is a stupid freaking woman in addition to being a bitch! I mean, part of what happened was super fantastic, but well, obviously not all of it :c It just goes to show that even if she does love her children (questionable) she doesn't fucking understand them one iota. Kings Landing is just an all around shithole at this point. Probably would have been better off if the Mad King actually had burned the place to the ground. Oh, but we have a Lannister to thank for stopping that too ヽ(*`Д´*||

On a brighter note, I'm glad to see old man Fray's fate unfold^^ Lecherous old bastard had it coming (`^´) ! I don't understand how he could be such an incompetent shit for SO long. I mean honestly, you have all these other houses losing heirs and falling apart, meanwhile you have this dipshit living to be like 100 years old. What's up with that? (・`ェ´・)つ

The starks/snowses, well, I sure didn't see that coming! ^^ I'll leave it there so I don't spoil anything for anyone^^ but wow with that development! I think I've a pretty good idea of the direction this story is going :3 At this point I don't see who else GRRM can kill off to shit things up again by interjecting an unexpected turn, so I can say that I am thoroughly looking forward to the next season ^^

Also, Aria, oh my gosh, that girl is really starting to creep me out f[• u •];
<Millenial Snowfkake Utopia>